Thursday, September 22, 2011


The following is an interview that I conducted with my roommate, Abby Brengle who is a junior at Northeastern University and currently works for the Boston Bar Association.

Cleaning up the Boston Harbor

The Boston Harbor was once considered to be "one of the filthiest harbors in the nation."

Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
Yes, I think it is a big problem that people should be more aware of, but I'm not sure what I could do to help and fix it. I think it is a big problem because I love the ocean and I wish I could swim in the harbor but that would be disgusting.

Do you think others in our community think that this is an important problem? why/ why not?
No because everyone is self absorbed and neglects environmental issues. 

Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay is an organization that was formed to help clean up the Boston Harbor.  This environmental organization's mission is to restore and protect the Boston Harbor and Bay.  Unlike many other organizations, Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay thrives on entrepreneurial spirit with public foundation funds, private donations, and corporate support, rather than relying solely on government efforts.  The focus of this organization has expanded far beyond a concern for clean water and has begun to also focus on the recreational, cultural, and economic potential of a clean and thriving harbor.  Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay believes that the most important resource that can be brought into the harbor is people.  Their goal is to make the waterfront an enjoyable and exciting destination for everyone living and visiting the great city of Boston. 

What are advantages of this policy?
To improve life for everyone in the Boston area by making the waterfront a more enjoyable place to relax.

What are disadvantages of this policy?
I don't see any disadvantages in environmental activism.

After interviewing my roommate, I realized that many young people are unaware of the seriousness of the health of the Boston Harbor.  I do not think that these young people are necessarily opposed to assisting in the cleanup and improvement of the harbor, however, it may have never been brought to their attention.  SImilarly to my roommate, I love the ocean and think that it is our duty as inhabitants on this planet to take care of the natural resources, such as this harbor.  There are many things that young people can do to help with this cleanup project and I would like to discuss some of these in my next blog post!

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